CodeSubmit Interview Series

The 9 Best Django Interview Questions in 2023

What are the best Django interview questions? Here are our top Django interview questions for your next interview to help you find your next Django developer.

Want to learn more? Read on!

Interviewing Django engineers 

Django is a high-level and open-source Python web framework. It makes rapid development of secure and maintainable websites possible. It also has an active community, great documentation, and both free and paid support.

What should you look for in a Django developer? Django is hard to learn without foundational knowledge of Python. That’s why candidates should know at least fundamental Python concepts. That, plus a solid knowledge of Django, depending on if you’re hiring a junior or senior developer.

But what should you ask Django developers? Here’s what you need to know. 

Beginner Django interview questions

What are the top junior Django developer interview questions? Here are the top questions to ask beginner developers. 

1. What is Django? 


Django is a high-level and open-source Python web framework. Django focuses on enabling developers to spend time on new components instead of existing components. It supports the rapid development of secure and maintainable websites.

Django as a framework is fast, flexible, secure, scalable, and portable. It also works for developing any web application. 

2. Explain the difference between Python and Django.


Python and Django are connected. While Python is a programming language that’s used for different applications, Django is a Python web framework and it’s used for full-stack app development and server development. 

With core Python, you can build an app from zero or use Django to create the app with prewritten bits of code.

3. What are the benefits of Django? 


The benefits of Django are that it: 

  • Offers excellent documentation

  • Is scalable and flexible for both small and big projects

  • Is versatile (you can build various types of applications) 

  • Offers rapid development 

  • Has a big community 

Django also comes with:

  • Security features 

  • Compatibility with major operating systems and databases

  • Better CDN connectivity and content management 

  • Support of MVC programming paradigm 

4. Explain templates in Django.


Templates are an important part of the Django architecture. A template is rendered with a context so that the rendering replaces variables with their values and processes tags with everything else remaining as it is. 

The template language syntax includes the constructs variables, tags, filters, and comments.

5. Define models.


Models are a single, definitive information source about your data. It includes all the essential fields and behaviors of the data you have stored. Each model will often map to a single specific database table. 

Django models are the abstraction layer for structuring and manipulating your data. They are a subclass of the django.db.models.Model class.

6. What are the core concepts of Django? 


Database design: Setting up a database is one of the first steps of starting a Django project. Django projects involve the use of Django’s Model to design database schema and developers need to understand different types of table relations such as OneToOneFields, Foreign Keys, and ManytoManyFields. 

Authentication and Authorization: Candidates should understand the difference between authentication and authorization, the different types of authentication (such as session and token authentication), and packages (such as Django AllAuth). 

Flow of data: Candidates need to understand how data moves between the user and the database (how data is retrieved from the database, passed into the view, and displayed in the template, as well as how data is passed into a form, submitted to the view, and stored in the database). 

Static and media file configuration: This is a more challenging concept as the setup of static and media files is different depending on if you’re in local development or production.

Deployment: It’s important to understand the fundamentals of how a Django server is run in production even though there are services that can be used to deploy a project. A traditional setup involves manually setting up gunicorn and nginx on a server, but a core modern approach is to use Docker and deploy the docker container. 

Advanced Django interview questions

What are the top Django interview questions and answers for senior developers? Here are the top questions you can ask at your next interview. 

7. Why is Django called a loosely coupled framework?


Django is called a loosely coupled framework because of its MVT architecture. The MVT architecture is a variant of the MVC architecture and it helps in separating the server code from client-related code. Django models and views take care of the code that is run on the server, for example getting records from database. The templates are mostly HTML and CSS that need data from models passed in by the views to render them. The components are independent of each other and that’s why Django is called a loosely coupled framework. 

8. What do Django Field Class types do?


Django Field Class types specify the database column type and the default HTML widget that is available when the form field is rendered. The Field Class also specifies the requirements of minimal validation, which is used in Django admin. 

9. How can the functionality of the Django interface be customized? 


The Django admin interface functionality can be customized in several ways. You can use an add/change form, which is automatically generated by Django or you can add JavaScript modules with the js parameter (a list of URLs that point to the JavaScript modules that you will include in your project with a <script> tag). You can also write views for the admin. 

Over to you!

There you have it! Now you know what the top Django interview questions are. 

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