Live coding sessions with real results

Measure what matters with a pair-programming environment optimized for real-world use cases.

CodePair by CodeSubmit
Frontend Engineer
React Coding Challenge

CodePair by CodeSubmit

CodePair is a cloud-based, collaborative code editor for pair programming sessions with your candidates. CodePair makes it easy to set up a powerful shared coding environment and work through coding problems with your candidates. Your technical interviews have never been more effective.

Hyper-realistic environment: Run entire applications inside a persistent linux environment. Import existing projects and collaborate on an entire codebase or project.

Full shared shell access: Watch your candidates work in real-time with full shell access. Run commands, install dependencies, and debug issues together.

Supports 24+ Languages: From Python to Scala, cater to a diverse talent pool with an extensive range of programming languages.

No braindead code challenges just real-world tasks for real-world engineers. That's why we at Finn love CodeSubmit.

Andreas Stryz
Andreas Stryz
Andreas Stryz

A live coding environment built for real-world use cases

Ditch the old-school puzzles and step into the future with our cutting-edge live coding challenges. Watch candidates tackle real problems in real-time, giving you the insight you need to spot true talent.

Run entire applications inside a persistent linux environment
Execute code & run apps
Collaborate on entire applications inside a persistent linux environment, with full shell access.
Single fileMulti file
Support for Multi-file projects
Pair on an entire codebase or project, just like candidates would do on-the-job.
VS CodeVim modeFull terminal support
Advanced IDE
Shared code editor based on Monaco, the code editor that powers VS Code. Includes syntax highlighting, code completion, VIM mode, and more.
Jupyter Notebooks

Perfect for data scienc & ML interviews. With JupyterLab support, run R, Python, Julia, PyTorch, TensorFlow, and more. Learn more.

Docker & Addons
Built-in addons such as databases, Docker containers, and the ability to install any software on the spot.
Imported take-home challenge
Follow-up interviews
Import completed take-home challenges from CodeSubmit and continue the interview process with a live coding session.
Practical, hands-on project simulations
Practical, hands-on project simulations
Rich library of hand-crafted challenges
Rich library of hand-crafted challenges
Dedicated support and onboarding
Dedicated support and onboarding