CodeSubmit Library

iOS Coding Assignments on CodeSubmit

Are you hiring iOS developers? CodeSubmit's library of iOS coding assignments can help you to identify qualified iOS candidates. Stop using algorithmic quizzes to discover if a developer can build apps. Our iOS hiring tests mimic the real-world daily tasks your iOS developers will face on the job. CodeSubmit provides a natural candidate experience and helps you improve your hiring processes to uncover top performers. Try us out and see for yourself.

iOS Coding Assignments on CodeSubmit

Identify Top iOS Candidates

Evaluate for on-the-job skills

CodeSubmit assignments are carefully crafted to resemble real developer work. Choose from our library of iOS assignments, or upload your own. CodePlay for Mobile allows you to run candidate submissions in-app and see how they perform. Feel confident in your candidate's competency and make the right hire.

Provide an excellent candidate experience 

Technical interviews can be frustrating and intimidating for developers. Take-home coding challenges help you create a better candidate experience. Our iOS coding assignments are challenging but fun, allowing you to build a reputable employer brand and attract top technical talent to your open roles.

How it works

Setting up an asynchronous technical interview process is easy with CodeSubmit. Create an account, choose an iOS assignment from our library or upload your own, and immediately begin inviting candidates. Our suite of review tools, including our much-loved CodePlay for Mobile, makes it easy to review candidates and identify top performers.

Identify Top iOS Candidates

I like how the library challenges are structured around on-the-job skills. The experience for candidates is excellent. They work locally with the IDE and tools they are most comfortable with.

Kevin Sahin
Kevin Sahin
Co-Founder @ ScrapingBee
Kevin Sahin

Real tasks, not brainteasers.

Take-home Challenges

Our library of real-world tasks gives you an accurate measure of every candidate’s coding skills, whilst providing them with a fair and considerate interview experience.

Real engineering tasks:
With coding challenges that simulate real work, CodeSubmit is helping the best engineering teams hire faster, smarter, and more equitably.
Extensive Library:
Choose from hundreds of coding challenges, from junior to senior architect, covering all major programming languages and frameworks -- or upload your own.
Natural candidate experience:
Our innovative GIT-based workflow allows candidates to work on their own machines, with their own tools, and in their own time.
Frontend Engineer
Tip Calculator
Example of a take-home coding challenge on CodeSubmit