Hire using real-world tasks, not puzzles.
Get an accurate measure of every candidate’s coding and problem-solving skills, whilst providing them with a fair and positive coding experience.

A library of real-world coding tasks
Choose from hundreds of coding challenges, from junior to senior architect, covering all major programming languages and frameworks -- or simply upload your own.
Customize any challenge to meet your specific stack and requirements.

I like how the library challenges are structured around on-the-job skills. The experience for candidates is excellent. They work locally with the IDE and tools they are most comfortable with.

Realistic candidate experience
On CodeSubmit, candiates use GIT to clone their assignment, work on it locally, and push their changes back to the platform. This means they can use their own tools and IDE configuration, work on their own machines, and in their own time.
No more brain-teasers. Test for on-the-job skills.
CodeSubmit comes feature-packed with everything you need to run a successful interview process.