C Coding Challenges on CodeSubmit
Hiring C developers? CodeSubmit helps you design and manage your technical interview process with take-home coding assignments. Send your candidates a C coding assignment to complete using their own tools and workflows. Identify top developer talent that would've made Dennis Ritchie proud! Hire confidently, knowing that your next C dev is the right one.
Identify Top C Developers
Evaluate real C skills
If your devs are building in C every day, then your next hire should be confident and competent in C as well. Uncover your candidates' core competencies using take-home challenges that resemble real, on-the-job work. Gain a full picture of your candidates' understanding of C and how they implement their solutions with one optimized coding assignment. Our library is full of them!
Create a great candidate experience
Candidates dislike whiteboard tasks - especially that senior C developer who's been in the industry for 10+ years. Take-home coding assignments are flexible while being extremely candidate- and remote-friendly. Our C assignments are designed to be quick so that your candidate won't be spending the whole weekend completing them. Create a hiring process that attracts top C talent, and hire the best talent in your industry.
Here are The Best C Interview Questions to ask candidates in your next interview.
How it works
CodeSubmit setup is super easy. Create an account, choose from our library of C coding assignments or upload your own, and start inviting candidates. Our review features make it easy to identify top performers and hire the best fit for your open roles.
We've found with CodeSubmit, the process isn't just simple for candidates, it's also giving our hiring managers a better idea of potential job performance.

Real tasks, not brainteasers.
Take-home Challenges
Our library of real-world tasks gives you an accurate measure of every candidate’s coding skills, whilst providing them with a fair and considerate interview experience.
- Real engineering tasks:
- With coding challenges that simulate real work, CodeSubmit is helping the best engineering teams hire faster, smarter, and more equitably.
- Extensive Library:
- Choose from hundreds of coding challenges, from junior to senior architect, covering all major programming languages and frameworks -- or upload your own.
- Natural candidate experience:
- Our innovative GIT-based workflow allows candidates to work on their own machines, with their own tools, and in their own time.