Roles · Backend Developers

How to Test & Evaluate Backend Developers

Our focus is to create coding challenges that empower hiring teams to predict whether candidates will perform well on the job. Our "real-world" Backend Coding Tasks provide a great way to assess Backend Developers for your team.

There are many different kinds of Backend Developer roles that each have unique requirements:

Most companies require their candidates to have mastered at least one of the popular frameworks, such as Django, Ruby on Rails, or .NET. Other companies value in-depth knowledge of data structures and systems design. Our software developer assessment tests cover a wide array of required developer knowledge. Here are some of the languages and frameworks supported on CodeSubmit:

How to Test & Evaluate Backend Developers

When hiring managers create an assessment process that mirrors the open role’s day-to-day work, it makes the entire experience much more pleasant for the candidate. In using these “real-life” coding tasks, you can see your candidates’ strengths and weaknesses in operations they’ve been performing for some time, instead of only being able to measure their basic coding skills. Candidates will stop viewing your recruiting steps as a struggle and start viewing them as opportunities to shine.

Some of the "real-world" skills that are covered on CodeSubmit include:

Expertise in Core Python (2 & 3)
Sound Knowledge of Web Frameworks & Object Relational Mappers (ORMs)
Good Understanding of Multi-Process Architecture and the GIL
Object-Oriented programming & Functional programming
Error handling and exception recovery
Knowledge of testing frameworks (e.g. PyTest, Robot, Nose2, Unittest)
Knowledge of JavaScript or TypeScript
Asynchronous programming
Object-Oriented programming with JavaScript or TypeScript
Functional programming with JavaScript or TypeScript
Knowledge of testing frameworks (e.g. Jest, Jasmine, Mocha)
Managing databases and ORMs from Node.js (e.g. MongoDB, Postgres, MySQL)
Object-oriented programming (OOP) & Functional programming
MVC frameworks (e.g. Ruby on Rails)
Good Understanding of Asynchronous Architecture
Knowledge of testing frameworks (e.g. Cucumber, rspec)
Managing databases and ORMs from Ruby (e.g. Postgres, MySQL)

The communication between hiring managers, recruiters and candidates has been incredibly improved since we started using CodeSubmit. There is no 'back and forth' anymore and the technical assessment is running smoothly!

Virginie Raucoules
Virginie Raucoules
P&C Manager @ KONUX
Virginie Raucoules